Efforts to Make Sustainable Packaging Materials

Efforts to Make Sustainable Packaging Materials

Coca – Cola recently unveiled their first-ever sample bottles made from ocean trash. They made 300 sample bottles using 25% recycled marine plastic that had been pulled out of the Mediterranean Sea and collected from beaches in Spain and Portugal.

Like Coca-Cola, many other brands are also making their efforts to make sustainable materials for product packaging. Zolabean is a clothing brand founded by Cynthia Lee, who aims to make daily dresses from recycled water bottles and coffee grounds. Another example is Nesquik, a chocolate-flavored milk brand of Nestlé. It began to use paper packages in early 2019, while the Yes! snack bar will change to paper packaging by the end of 2019 as part of its actions to meet its 2018 commitment to make 100% of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025.

Athough there are some concerns behind such movements about the food safety and regulation matters, there is no doubt that they are walking toward the direction to make their industries and the world more sustainable and green.

All photos are from internet.